AgDecision Maker Tools

Example of the Net Present Value of Beef Replacement Females decision tool
click on headings for more information
Beef Cow Cost and Return
Feedlot Cost and Return
- Ten Ways to Cut Cattle Feeding Costs (B1-71)
- Value of Manure Nutrients (B1-65)
Forage Production Cost and Return
Livestock Cost and Return
Market Outlook and Seasonal Prices
Marketing and Risk Management
- Cattle Marketing Decisions (B2-35)
- Feeder Cattle Basis (B2-43)
- Feeder Cattle Futures-The Life of a Contract Comparing Expiration to Futures Prices (B2-64)
- Feeder Steer-Heifer Price Spread (B2-45)
- Hedging of Livestock (B2-50)
- How Often Can Cattle Feeders Hedge a Profit with Futures? (B2-54)
- Live Cattle Basis (B2-42)
- Live Cattle Futures-The Life of a Contract Comparing Expiration to Weekly Futures Prices (B2-63)
- Livestock Risk Insurance Plans for Cattle Producers (B1-50)