Fact Sheets/Publications

Steers on a research trial at ISU Beef Nutrition Farm.
click on headings for more information
Benchmarking the Performance of Iowa Feedlot Cattle (IBC 144)
Caring for Cow Herds During Cold Weather (IBC 143)
Economic Impact of Iowa’s Beef Industry (IBC 127)
Economic Impact of Iowa's Beef Industry - Executive Summary (IBC 127b)
Iowa Cattle Feeding - Beyond the Margins (IBC 141)
On-Farm Animal Mortality Disposal (Kris Kohl, Shawn Shouse and Kapil Arora, Iowa Beef Center)
Winter Care of the Cow Herd: Confinement Versus Open Grazing (IBC 147)
Bull Reproduction and Management
Cattle Health and Well-being
Baby Calf Management
- Control of Calf Diarrhea (Scours) in Midwest Beef Cattle Farms (PMR 1019)
- Vitamin A Deficiency in Beef Calves (PMR 1014)
- Weak Calf Syndrome in Beef Cattle Herds (PMR 1018)
- Avoiding the Negative Effects of High Dietary Sulfur Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) (IBCR 200F)
- Ergot Poisoning in Cattle (PMR 1013)
- Foot Rot in Beef Cattle (PM 1728)
- Pinkeye in Beef Cattle Herds (PMR 1017)
- Treatment and Prevention of Hypomagnesaemia (Grass Tetany) in Beef Cattle (PMR 1020)
- Trichomoniasis in Beef Cattle (PMR 1012)
General Health and Preventive Medicine
- Beef and Dairy Cattle Vaccination Programs (IBC 111)
- Fly Control in Ruminants (IBCR 204)
- Heat Stress in Beef Cattle (PMR 1016)
- The Value of Third-Party Certification Claims at Feeder Cattle Auctions (IBC 30)
- Vaccines: Handle with Care (IBC 126)
Veterinary Feed Directive Publication
Feeding CTC to Beef Cows (IBC 120)
Cow-Calf Management
2014 Iowa Cow-Calf Producer Survey (IBC 101)
2014 Iowa Cow-Calf Producer summary (IBC 101A)
Evaluating Body Condition of Beef Cows in Winter (IBC 140)
Coproduct Feed Management
- Distillers Grains for Beef Cows (IBCR 200D)
- Using Distillers Grains in Alternative Cow-calf Production Systems (IBC 43)
- Managing 2010-2011 Cow Herd Feed Needs (IBC 44)
- Stretching Hay Supplies for Beef Cow Herds (IBC 45)
- Tips for Drought-stricken Pastures (IBC 49)
Economics and Markets
Green Lands, Blue Waters – Midwest Perennial Forage and Grazing Working Group (2013)
- Basics of Contract Grazing
- Evaluating Land Suitability for Grazing Cattle
- Pasture Rental and Lease Agreements
- Rates Charged for Contract Grazing Arrangements
Implications of Grid Marketing for Retained Ownership (IBC 24)
Iowa Cattle Grazing Survey Results:
- Iowa Cattle Grazing Survey, 2007, Part 1 (IBC 07-05)
- Iowa Cattle Grazing Survey, 2007, Part 2 (IBC 07-06)
- Iowa Pastureland Changes 2007-2012
(IBC 53)
- Iowa Pastureland and Grazing 2013-2018
(IBC 130)
Environmental Management
- Guide to Managing Pasture Water
- Off-Stream Water, Shade, and Nutritional Supplementation to Modify Animal Behavior (IBC 08-03)
- Stabilized Stream and Pond Access Sites (IBC 08-02)
- Streamside Buffers (IBC 08-04)
- Manure and Nutrient Management
- Manure Management Resources for Beef and Dairy Operations(PM 1872)
- Manure Value and Use in Crop Production
- Runoff Control Facilities
- Best Environmental Management Practices (PM 1946)
- Clean Water Diversion for Open Feedlots (PM 3058)
- Inexpensive Pumping Systems to Manage Small Feedlot Runoff (IBC 52)
- Settling Basins for Open Feedlots (PM 3059)
- Small Feedlot Runoff Management Using Low Pressure Flood Irrigation (PM 3060)
- Small Open Beef Feedlots In Iowa: A Producer Guide (PM 3018)
- Vegetative Filter Strips for Open Feedlot Runoff Treatment (PM 1919)
Beef Feedlot Systems Manual (PM 1867)
Feedlot Management
2014 Iowa Feedlot Operator Survey (IBC 102)
2014 Iowa Feedlot Operators Summary (IBC 102A)
Feed Bunk Management
- Feed Bunk Management (IBCR 201A)
- Feed Bunk Management Standard Operating Procedure (IBCR 201B)
Hormone Implant Usage
- Growth Promotant Implants for Cattle (IBC 113)
- Understanding Hormone Use in Beef Cattle (IBC 48)
Nutrition and Feedstuffs
Corn Coproducts
- Distillers Grain Supplementation Study Factsheet (IBC 08-01)
- Ethanol Coproducts for Beef Cattle series
- Avoiding Negative Effects of High Dietary Sulfur (IBCR 200F)
- Distillers Grains for Beef Cows (IBCR 200D)
- Factors Affecting the Economics of Coproducts in Cattle Rations (IBCR 200C)
- Handling and Storage Considerations (IBCR 200E)
- The Process and Products(IBCR 200A)
- The Changing Distillers Grains for Feedlot Cattle (IBCR 200B)
- Using Distillers Grains in Alternative Cow-calf Production Systems (IBC 43)
Forage Feedstuffs
- Alternative Annual Forages (IBC 136)
- Boosting Pasture Production (IBC 132)
- Determining Moisture of Immature Corn Silage (Recovery 14)
- Farmer Experiences With Fall Grazing Cover Crops (IBC 142)
- Grazing Opportunities with Cereal Rye (IBC 128)
- Herbicide Use May Restrict Grazing Options for Cover Crops (CROP 3082)
- Making the Switch to Baleage (IBCR 202)
- Managing Cattle Health Issues When Grazing Cover Crops (IBC 129)
- Managing Sacrifice Paddocks (IBC 0135)
- Selecting Forage Species (PM 1792)
- Spring Grazing Cover Crops (ISU)
- Supplementing Pasture Grazing to Meet Beef Cow Requirements or Stretch Pasture Forage
(IBC 0134)
- The Ensiling Process and Additives (PM 417H)
Veterinary Feed Directive Publication
Feeding CTC to Feedlot Cattle (IBC 121)