Beef Cattle Handbook

Steers on a research trial at ISU Beef Nutrition Farm.
click on headings for more information
Agribusiness/Business Management
- Beef Marketing in Technology (Electronic)
- Economies of Size in Cow-Calf Production
- Factors Affecting Cattle Feeding Profitability and Cost of Gain
- Fed Cattle Quality: How Does it Affect Prices Received by Cattle Feeders?
- Feeder Cattle Production and Marketing
- Forward Marketing Fed Cattle: The Impact of Selected Market Conditions on Fed Cattle Prices
- Marketing Cull Cows
- Price Slides for Feeder Cattle
- Profitability Differences Between Steers and Heifers
- Ranchers' Guide to Custom Cattle Feeding
- Retained Ownership: Discussion and Alternatives
- Retained Ownership: Method of Analysis
- Seasonal Performance, Cost of Gain and Profit Patterns for Finishing Steers
- Shrinkage in Beef Cattle
Breeding and Genetics
- Beef Performance Glossary
- Biological Types of Cattle
- Commercial Beef Sire Selection
- Congenital Defects in Cattle
- Selecting Replacement Heifers
- The Genetic Principles of Crossbreeding
- The Systems Concept of Beef Production
- Understanding and Using Across-breed Expected Progeny Differences (EPDS)
- Understanding and Using Sire Summaries
- Understanding Performance Pedigrees
Carcass and End Products
Environmental Stewardship
Facilities and Equipment
Health and Entomology
- A Guide to Wholesome Beef Production
- Acidosis
- Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema and Emphysema in Beef Cattle: Causes and Prevention
- Anaplasmosis in Cattle
- Biological Control of Dung-Breeding Flies Affecting Pastured Cattle
- Biological Control of Flies in Cattle Feedlots
- Bluetongue in Cattle
- Bovine Respiratory Disease
- BVD-MD infection
- Calf Scours: Causes and Treatment
- "Cancer Eye" - Treatment and Prevention
- Cattle Scabies
- Cattle Vaccines and Their Use
- Clostridial Diseases
- Coccidiosis in Beef Cattle
- Disease Resistance in Cattle
- Diseases Associated with Post-Calving and Breeding
- Disinfectants and Disinfection: A Guide to Reducing Disease Buildup
- Feeding Colostrum to a Calf
- Feedlot Bloat: Prevention and Treatment
- Grass Tetany in Beef Cattle
- House Fly and Stable Fly Management in and near Livestock Facilities
- Infectious Abortions in Cattle
- Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
- Infectious Footrot of Cattle
- Injuries and Diseases Associated with Calving
- Internal Parasites in Cattle
- Leptospirosis of Cattle
- Lice on Beef Cattle
- Mycotoxins
- Nitrate Poisoning in Livestock
- Non-Chemical Horn Fly Traps
- Oral Fluid Therapy Fundamentals and Technique
- Pasture Bloat: Prevention and Treatment
- Pinkeye
- Preventing Baby Calf Diseases
- Prevention of Calf Scours
- Quality Beef Begins With You
- Self-Treatment Devices for Horn Fly, Face Fly and Lice Control in Beef Cattle
- Sweet Clover Poisoning
- TEME in Feeder Cattle
- Treatment of Sick Calves
- Trichomoniasis
- Urinary Calculi in Beef Cattle
- Vibriosis (campylobacteriosis)
- Vital Signs in Animals: What Cattle Producers Should Know
- White Muscle and Other Selenium-Responsive Diseases of Livestock
- Alternative Feeds for Beef Cows and Stockers
- Avoiding Drug Carryover During Feed Processing and Delivery
- Body Condition Scoring Management Tool for Cows to Monitor the Nutritional Status
- Considerations in Trace Mineral Supplementation
- Creep Feeding
- Dry Matter Intake for Beef Cattle
- Emergency Rations for Wintering Beef Cows
- Feed and Forage Sampling and Analysis
- Feed Value of Old Corn
- Feeding and Managing Holstein Steers
- Feeding High Moisture Corn
- Feeding the Beef Cow Herd – Part 1: Factors Affecting the Cow Nutrition Program
- Feeding the Beef Cow Herd – Part 2: Managing the Feeding Program
- Feeding Value of Lightweight Barley
- Feeding Wheat to Finishing Cattle
- Feed Value of Hail Damaged Corn
- Formulating Supplements
- Limit Feeding Beef Cattle
- Limiting Feed Intake with Salt
- Medicated Feed Additives for Beef Cattle
- Nitrates in Livestock Feed
- Oats as a Cattle Feed
- Preconditioning of Calves
- Pricing Protein and Energy Supplements
- Processing Performance and Feeding Value of Low-Grade Grain
- Small Grain Silage for Beef Cattle
- Substituting Grain for Hay
- Trace Minerals and Immunology
- Value and Quality-assurance of Byproduct Feeds
Pasture, Range and Forage Management
- Basic Concepts of Management-Intensive Grazing
- Developing Management Strategies for Your Range
- Fence Systems for Grazing Management 1: Electric Fence Energizers
- Fence Systems for Grazing Management 2: Permanent Electric Fence Materials
- Fence Systems for Grazing Management 3: Portable Electric Fence Materials
- Grazing System Layout and Design
- Range Plants Foundation of the Grazing Resource
Production Management
Quality Assurance
- Anatomy and Physiology of a Bull's Reproductive Tract
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Cow's Reproductive Tract
- Breeding Soundness Evaluations
- Calving Difficulty in Beef Cattle: Part 1
- Calving Difficulty in Beef Cattle: Part 2
- Embryonic Mortality in Cattle
- Estrous Synchronization for Beef Cattle
- Factors Influencing the Conception Rate
- Heat Detection with Beef Cattle
- Management Factors that Affect the Development of Passive Immunity in the Newborn Calf
- Management Factors to Improve Health in Newborn Calves
- Management of First-Calf Heifers
- Pelvic Measurements for Reducing Calving Difficulty
- Replacement Heifer Development
- The Reproductive and Nutritional Management of Beef Bulls
- Using Ultrasound Technology in Beef Cattle Reproductive Management