Environmental Management

Cows graze along a streambank
click on headings for more information
Cow-Calf and Stocker Operations
- Environmental Impacts of Beef Cattle(Wageningen University)
- Grazing and NPS Pollution
- Guide to Managing Pasture Water
- Off-Stream Water, Shade, and Nutritional Supplementation to Modify Animal Behavior (IBC 08-03)
- Stabilized Stream and Pond Access Sites (IBC 08-02)
- Streamside Buffers (IBC 08-04)
- Impact of Cattle Grazing Management On Sediment and Phosphorus Loads In Surface Waters (ASL R1921)
- Maps: Arial, Soil and Topography Maps of Iowa (ISU)
Feedlot Operations
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- All open feedlot information and regulations
- Design Criteria for Livestock Waste Control Systems at Open Feedlot Medium CAFOs
- Dry-Bedded Manure Stockpiling Regulations
- Open Feedlot Manure Stockpiling Regulations
Runoff Control Facilities
- Best Environmental Management Practices (PM 1946)
- Inexpensive Pumping Systems to Manage Small Feedlot Runoff (IBC 52)
- Iowa Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (website)
- More resources on cattle facilities
- Self-assessment Tools
- Settling Basins for Open Feedlots (PM 3059)
- Small Feedlot Runoff Management Using Low Pressure Flood Irrigation (PM 3060)
- Water Quality
- Clean Water Diversion for Open Feedlots (PM 3058)
- Vegetative Filter Strips for Animal Feeding Operations (Kansas State University)
- Vegetative Filter Strips for Open Feedlot Runoff Treatment (PM 1919)
Manure and Nutrient Management
- 10 Questions About the Phosphorus Index In Iowa (PM 1993)
- Developing Whole-farm Nutrient Plans for Feedlots, Including the Impact of Using Coproducts (PM 1931)
- Impact of Feeding Distillers Grains On Nutrient Planning for Beef Cattle Systems (Heartland Regional Water Coordination Initiative, posted on University of Nebraska–Lincoln website)
- Iowa Manure Management Action Group - Small Feedlots page (IMMAG)
- Iowa's Agriculture: A Sustainable System (IBC)
- Manure Management Resources for Beef and Dairy Operations (PM 1872)
- Manure Value and Use in Crop Production
- Calibration and Uniformity of Solid Manure Spreaders (PM 1941)
- How to Sample Manure for Nutrient Analysis (PM 1558)
- How to Interpret Your Manure Analysis (PM 3014)
- Manure Characteristics (MWPS 18, sect 1)
- Separation Distances for Land Application of Manure (DNR-113)
- Using Manure Nutrients for Crop Production (PM 1003)
- Nutrient Management Self-assessment Tool (IBC)
Handling Dead Animals
- Dead Animal Disposal FAQs (Iowa DNR)
- Five Easy Steps for Composting Dead Livestock (North Dakota State University Extension)
- Managing Mortalities for Beef and Dairy Producers (Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center webcast archive)