Feedlot Management

Steers at feed bunk
click on headings for more information
2014 Iowa Feedlot Operator Survey (IBC 102)
2014 Iowa Feedlot Operators Summary (IBC 102A)
End Product and Beef Quality
- Beef Grading (National Cattlemen's Beef Association)
- Ultrasound Guidelines Council (website)
- Understanding Grid Marketing: How Quality Grades and Grid Conditions Affect Carcass Value (Certified Angus Beef)
Feed Additives and Veterinary Feed Directive
- Veterinary Feed Directive (FDA)
- Feeding CTC to Feedlot Cattle (IBC 121)
Feed Bunk Management
- Feed Bunk Management (IBCR 201A)
- Feed Bunk Management Standard Operating Procedure (IBCR 201B)
Growth Promotants
- Economic Analysis of Pharmaceutical Technologies in Modern Beef Production (ISU)
- Growth Promotant Implants for Cattle (IBC 113)
- Understanding Hormone Use in Beef Cattle (IBC 48)
Monitoring Daily Break-evens
Professional Feedlots
- 2010 Nebraska Feedyard Labor Cost Benchmarks and Historical Trends (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- What Defines a Professional Feedlot? (IBC)
- February Feedlot Webinar Series 2024
- Managing Foot Health (0:37:11)
- Beef cattle market outlook and managing price risk (0:32:06)
- Pros and Cons of Facility Types (0:026:02)
- Value of Necropsies (0:31:55)
- Feedlot Webinar Beef X Dairy Update (0:22:51)
- Feedyard Friday
- Developing an Implant Strategy (0:01:42)
- Recordkeeping (0:01:44)
- Clean Your Settling Basin (0:01:45)
- Decade in Review (0:03:41)
- Comparing Feed Costs (0:02:20)
- Bunk Management (0:01:20)
- Cold Weather (0:01:43)
- Working Cattle in Cold Weather (0:02:26)
- Managing Mud (0:02:25)
- Bunk Management (0:02:27)
- Manure Sampling (0:01:52)
- Manure Value (0:02:37)
- Shaker Box (0:02:53)
- Heat Stress (0:02:27)
- Feedlot Considerations During Pandemic (webinar recordings)
Feed Preparation and Storage
- Feed storage facilities
- Handling and Storage Considerations (IBCR 200E)
- Harvesting and storage techniques
- Biofuels Coproducts in Animal Feeds (University of Minnesota)
- CenUSA Research on Switchgrass as Roughage in Feedlot Diets
- Ethanol Coproducts for Cattle:
- The Process and Products (IBCR 200A)
- The Changing Distillers Grains for Feedlot Cattle (IBCR 200B)
- Factors Affecting the Economics of Coproducts in Cattle Rations (IBC 200C)
- Grain Drying, Handling and Storage Handbook (MWPS 13)
- Iowa Grain Quality Initiative grain storage resources
- Making Quality Corn Silage (IBC)
- Supplementing Distillers Grains to Beef Cattle Grazing on Pasture (IBC 08-01)
- BRaNDS (Beef Ration and Nutrition Decisions Software)
- Mineral Supplements for Beef Cattle (University of Missouri)
- Nutritional Management of the Calf After Weaning (IBC)
- Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle: Eighth Revised Edition (ordering information The National Academies Press)