Forages, Hay and Grazing

A cow grazes in a fresh paddock
click on headings for more information
Alternative Forages
- Alfalfa
- Alfalfa Management Guide (NCR 547)
- Grazing Alfalfa (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Alternative Annual Forages (IBC 0136)
- Alternatives for Reducing Forage Acres (IBC 07-08) (pdf)
- CenUSA Research on Switchgrass as Roughage in Feedlot Diets (pdf)
- Costs Associated with Alternative Grazing Systems (IBC 07-07) (pdf)
- Cover Crops
- Annual Cool-Season Forages for Late-Fall or Early-Spring Double Crop (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension) (pdf)
- Best Management Practices for Fall Grazing Cover Crops infographic (IBC, North Central Extension RMA, Iowa Learning Farms) (pdf)
- Herbicide Use May Restrict Grazing Options for Cover Crops (CROP 3082)
- Spring Grazing Cover Crops (ISU, Iowa Learning Farms) (pdf)
- Grazing Down Corn (IBC) (pdf)
- Grazing Opportunities with Cereal Rye (IBC 128)
- Intercropping Winter Cereal Grains and Red Clover (PM 2025)
- Making the Switch to Baleage (IBCR 202)
- Managing Cattle Health Issues When Grazing Cover Crops (IBC 129)
- Nitrate Toxicity (IBC 50) (pdf)
- Short-term and Supplemental Forages (IBC 07-09) (pdf)
Cover Crops
- Annual Cool-Season Forages for Late-Fall or Early-Spring Double Crop (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension) (pdf)
- Answering Common Producer Questions on Cover Crop Use in Iowa (CROP 3104)
- Best Management Practices for Fall Grazing Cover Crops – Cooperator Comments (IBC, North Central Extension RMA) (pdf)
- Best Management Practices for Fall Grazing Cover Crops infographic (IBC, North Central Extension RMA, Iowa Learning Farms) (pdf)
- Cover Crops Do’s & Don’ts (Crop Protection Network) (pdf)
- Decision Tools
- Economics of Cover Crops (ISU Ag Decision Maker)
- Midwest Cover Crops Council – Selector Tools (based at Purdue University)
- Farmer Experiences With Fall Grazing Cover Crops (IBC 142)
- Grazing Opportunities with Cereal Rye (IBC 128)
- Grazing Cover Crops to Avoid Soil Compaction (ISU, Iowa Learning Farms, PFI) (pdf)
- Herbicide Use May Restrict Grazing Options for Cover Crops (CROP 3082)
- Iowa Cover Crop Recipe – Post Corn, Going to Soybean: Use Cereal Rye (CROP 3158) (pdf)
- Iowa Cover Crop Recipe – Post Soybean, Going to Corn: Use Oats (CROP 3159) (pdf)
- Iowa State Research on Grazing Cover Crops
- Performance Comparison of Fall-Calving Cow-Calf Pairs Grazing Cover Crops vs. Traditional Drylot System (ASL R3230)
- Enhancing the Value of Cover Crops through Utilization by Beef Stocker Cattle: Progress Report (Year 2) (ASL R3225)
- A Field Guide to Winter Cereal Rye Forage Quality (ASL R3309)
- Nitrate and Sulfur in Fall Grazed Cover Crops (ASL R3312)
- Managing Cattle Health Issues When Grazing Cover Crops (IBC 129)
- Practical Farmers of Iowa Cover Crop Reports
- Spring Grazing Cover Crops (ISU, Iowa Learning Farms) (pdf)
Establishment or Renovation of Grasslands
- Forage Species
- Classifying Forage Species (video, 0:10:18)
- Cool Season Forage Species (video, 0:13:34)
- Selecting Forage Species (PM 1792)
- Warm Season and Miscellaneous Forage Species (video, 0:09:46))
- Warm Season Annual Forage Crops (University of Missouri Extension)
- Warm Season Grasses for Hay and Pasture (PM 569)
- How Pasture Plants Grow (PM 1791)
- Seeding
- Improving Pasture by Frost Seeding (PM 856)
- Interseeding and No-Till Pasture Renovation (PM 1097)
- Interseeding Small-Seeded Forages into Sod with Conventional Corn/Soybean Planters (CRP 21)
- Steps to Establish and Maintain Legume-Grass Pastures (PM 1008)
Forage and Pasture Production
- Alternatives for Reducing Forage Acres (IBC 07-08) (pdf)
- Boosting Pasture Production (IBC 132)
- Fertilizing Pasture (PM 869)
- General Guide for Crop Nutrient and Limestone Recommendations in Iowa (PM 1688)
- Pasture Preparation and Renovation 2024 (video, 0:59:57)
Forage Harvest and Storage
- Forage Testing and Analysis:
- Information from the National Forage Testing Association provides current details and resources on forage testing and certified labs. Testing forages is essential for developing effective beef, dairy, horse and sheep rations. It is equally important to use a laboratory that meets certification standards for accurate and consistent results. Laboratories that meet minimum standards for accuracy are rated A, B, or C for the cumulative results of various measurements, with A being the most accurate and consistent. Labs may be tested for either near infrared and/or or wet chemical analysis.
- Interpreting Your Forage Test Result (IBC 51) (pdf)
- Hay Sampling (video, 0:04:06)
- Understanding Forage Quality (University of Kentucky Forage Extension) (pdf)
- Hot Hay: How Hot is too Hot? (IBC) (pdf)
- Making the Switch to Baleage (IBCR 202) (pdf)
- Minimizing Losses in Hay Storage and Feeding (National Forage Information Center) (pdf)
- Wet Conditions Cause Forage Problems (SP 65)
Grazing Forages
- Economics
- Ag Decision Maker: Crop Decision Tools
- Estimated Costs of Crop Production in Iowa (Ag Decision Maker A1-20) (pdf)
- Land Use Alternatives Comparison Tool (Ag Decision Maker C1-15)
- Pricing Forage in the Field (Ag Decision Maker A1-65) (pdf)
- Ag Lease 101 Publications (North Central Farm Management Extension Committee)
- Farm Building Rental Rate Survey (North Central Farm Management Extension Committee)
- Grazing and Pasture Arrangements for Beef Cattle (IBC 119)
- Green Lands, Blue Waters - Midwest Perennial Forage and Grazing Working Group (2013)
- Basics of Contract Grazing (pdf)
- Evaluating Land Suitability for Grazing Cattle (pdf)
- Pasture Rental and Lease Agreements (pdf)
- Rates Charged for Contract Grazing Arrangements (pdf)
- Iowa Pastureland and Grazing 2013-2018 (IBC 130)
- Iowa Pastureland Changes 2007-2012 (IBC 53)
- Fence Systems for Grazing Management
- Electric Fencing for Serious Graziers (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service) (pdf)
- Iowa Fence Law Publication (ISU Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation) (pdf)
- Planning Fencing Systems for Intensive Grazing Management (University of Kentucky) (pdf)
- Grazing Systems
- Basic Concepts of Management-Intensive Grazing (Beef Cattle Handbook) (pdf)
- Grazing Corn Residue project webinar (2024)
- Grazing Corn Residue Lease Arrangements and Considerations (video, 0:38:39)
- Grazing Corn Residue Chopping Residue Impact on Feed Value (video, 0:20:50)
- Grazing Corn Residue Determining Stocking Rates and Agronomic Impacts (video, 0:35:03)
- Grazing Corn Residue Nutritional Considerations (video, 0:32:16)
- Grazing Opportunities with Cereal Rye (IBC 128)
- Grazing Systems Planning Guide (University of Minnesota) (pdf)
- Management of Intensive Grazing systems (video, 0:15:39)
- Pastures for Profit: A Guide to Rotational Grazing (University of Wisconsin-Extension and University of Minnesota Extension Service) (pdf)
- Pasture Management
- Custom Grazing and Cow-Calf Leasing (IBC 07-06) (pdf)
- Fescue Management Considerations and Toxicosis (IBC and University of Missouri) (pdf)
- Grazing Questions and Answers (ISU)
- Managing Sacrifice Paddocks (IBC 0135)
- NRCS Guide to Pasture Condition Scoring (pdf)
- NRCS Pasture Condition Score Sheet (pdf)
- Pasture Management Guide for Livestock Producers (PM 1713)
- Supplementing Pasture Grazing to Meet Beef Cow Requirements or Stretch Pasture Forage (IBC 0134)
- Tall Fescue Endophyte Concepts (Auburn University) (pdf)
- Water
- A Guide to Managing Pasture Water
- Off-Stream Water, Shade, and Nutritional Supplementation to Modify Animal Behavior (IBC 08-03)
- Stabilized Stream and Pond Access Sites (IBC 08-02)
- Streamside Buffers (IBC 08-04)
- Impacts of Cattle Grazing Management on Sediment and Phosphorus Loads in Surface Waters (ASL R1921)
- Maintaining a Healthy Water Cycle (video, 0:12:22)
- Waterers and Watering Systems: A Handbook for Livestock Producers and Landowners (Kansas State University) (pdf)
- Watering Systems for Serious Graziers (NRCS) (pdf)
- A Guide to Managing Pasture Water
Hay Pricing
- Iowa Hay and Straw Directory (Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship website)
Stockpiling and Extended Grazing
- Cover Crops
- Annual Cool-Season Forages for Late-Fall or Early-Spring Double Crop (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension) (pdf)
- Herbicide Use May Restrict Grazing Options for Cover Crops (CROP 3082)
- Spring Grazing Cover Crops (ISU, Iowa Learning Farms) (pdf)
- Extending Grazing and Reducing Stored Feed Needs (Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative) (pdf)
- Grazing Corn Residue: Using Resources and Reducing Costs (IBC 09-02) (pdf)
- Stockpiled Forages: A Way to Extend the Grazing Season (PM 1772)