Economics and Markets

Feedwagon delivering feed to a pen of cattle
click on headings for more information
Cow-Calf Production
- Alternative Cow Herd Investment Strategies (ASL R1338)
- Beef Cow Joint Agreements (Ag Decision Maker C2-36)
- Beef Cow Share Lease Agreements (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Bull Rental and Lease Agreement Guide (IBC0137)
- Cow Lease/Sharing Agreements (North Central Farm Management Extension Committee)
- Grazing and Pasture Arrangements for Beef Cattle (IBC 119)
- Feeder Steer-Heifer Price Spread (Ag Decision Maker B2-45)
- Livestock Marketing Information Center (website)
- The Value of Third-Party Certification Claims at Feeder Cattle Auctions (IBC 30)
- Ag Decision Maker: Livestock Decision Tools
- Assessing the Cost of Beef Quality Revisited (ASL R2505)
- Cow Winter Feeding Cost Assessment worksheet (ISU)
- Economic Analysis of Pharmaceutical Technologies in Modern Beef Production (ISU)
- Iowa Land Value Survey Results
- Cash Rental Rates for Iowa (Ag Decision Maker C2-10)
- Farmland Value Survey (Ag Decision Maker C2-70)
- Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey (Ag Decision Maker A3-10)
- Livestock Enterprise Budgets for Iowa (Ag Decision Maker B1-21)
- Understanding and Managing Costs in Beef Cow-Calf Herds (ISU)
- Alternative Retained Ownership Strategies (ISU)
- Retained Ownership: Discussion and Alternatives (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Retained Ownership: Method of Analysis (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Current Markets
- CME Group Agricultural Products Home (website)
- Iowa Farm Outlook & News (website)
- ISU Cattle Crush Margin (ISU)
ISU Livestock Crush Margin App (Use this online in your browser)
The ISU livestock crush margin app is a web based app that can be accessed through the link above by phone, tablet or computer, or by saving the URL on your phone. Internet access is needed to use the app and access futures market prices used in the app. The app will help you with price risk management by calculating a margin that could be hedged for fed cattle or market hogs placed on feed at a future date. It uses basis adjusted futures prices from the previous trading day’s close to calculate a fed cattle finishing margin (Live Cattle – Feeder Cattle – Corn) or a market hog finishing margin (Lean Hogs – Weaned Pig – Corn – Soybean Meal).
To use, select either cattle or hogs and the date they will go on feed, and the app will use the futures price and Iowa historical basis to calculate the potential margin above the cost of the feeder and estimated partial feed cost. This app complements the ISU livestock crush margin that is calculated and posted every Wednesday. That app allows users to select placement day and adjust input prices or basis if they choose.
For additional information or questions contact Russ Euken ISU Extension Livestock Specialist or 641-923-2856, or Lee Schulz ISU Extension Livestock Economist or 515-294-3356.
- Livestock Marketing Information Center (website)
- Nebraska Farm Custom Rates Reports
- USDA Cattle and Beef Summary
- USDA Daily Beef & Cattle Market Summary (YouTube channel)
Feedlot Production
- Information About Custom Cattle Feedlots (Iowa Cattlemen's Association)
- Ranchers' Guide to Custom Cattle Feeding (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Assessing the Cost of Beef Quality Revisited (ASL R2505)
- Benchmarking the Performance of Iowa Feedlot Cattle (IBC 144)
- Cattle Price Changes by Two-Week Period, 2003-2012 (Ag Decision Maker B2-20)
- Estimated Livestock Returns (decision tools)
- Iowa Cattle Feeding - Beyond the Margins (IBC 141)
- Beef Feedlot Systems Manual (PM 1867)
- Cattle Bidder
- Feedlot Facility Economic Assessment Calculator (register for access)
- Feedlot Monitoring Software (IBC)
- Feedyard Cash Flow Planning Tool (excel)
- Livestock Enterprise Budgets for Iowa (Ag Decision Maker B1-21)
- Missouri Byproduct Feed Price Listing (University of Missouri Extension)
- Monthly Cattle Feeding Returns (Ag Decision Maker B1-36)
Forage Production
- Estimated Costs of Pasture and Hay Production (Ag Decision Maker A1-15)
- Green Lands, Blue Waters -- Midwest Perennial Forage and Grazing Working Group (2013)
- Iowa Cattle Grazing Survey Results:
- Iowa Cattle Grazing Survey Part 1 (IBC 07-5)
- Iowa Cattle Grazing Survey Part 2 (IBC 07-6)
- Iowa Pastureland Changes 2007-2012 (IBC 53)
Marketing Systems/Value-Added Systems
- Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC website)
- Cash Flow Planning Tool for Transitioning from Conventional to Alternative Production Systems (excel)
- How to Direct Market Your Beef (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education)
- Iowa State University Value Added Agriculture (website)
Livestock Market Risk Insurance
- Livestock Gross Margin Insurance: A Self-Study Guide (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Livestock Insurance Plans and Policies (USDA Risk Management Agency)
- Livestock Risk Protection Insurance for Feeder Cattle (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Revenue Insurance for Livestock Producers (Ag Decision Maker B1-50)
- Official List of USDA-Approved Quality System Assessment Programs
- USDA Quality System Assessment Program
- Marketing Beef (Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, ISU)
Stocker/Backgrounded Calf Production
- Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC website)
- Livestock Enterprise Budget for Iowa (Ag Decision Maker B1-21)
- Livestock Insurance Plans and Policies (USDA Risk Management Agency)
- Livestock Risk Protection Insurance for Feeder Cattle (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Revenue Insurance for Livestock Producers (Ag Decision Maker B1-50)
- 10 Ways to Cut Cattle Feeding Costs (Ag Decision Maker B1-71)
- Cash Rental Rates for Iowa Survey (Ag Decision Maker C2-10)
- Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey (Ag Decision Maker A3-10)
- Livestock Enterprise Budgets for Iowa (Ag Decision Maker B1-71)
- Systems for Backgrounding Beef Cattle (North Dakota State University)
Trends/Historic Information
- In the Cattle Markets (Livestock Marketing Information Center)
- Iowa Feeder Cattle Basis (Ag Decision Maker B2-43)
- Iowa Live Cattle Basis (Ag Decision Maker B2-42)
- Livestock Marketing Information Center (website)
- Livestock Monitor (Livestock Marketing Information Center)
More beef market research publications: ISU Department of Economics Extension and Outreach