
Modified distillers grains pile
click on headings for more information
Alternative Forages
- Alfalfa
- Alfalfa Management Guide (NCR 547)
- Grazing Alfalfa (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Alternative Annual Forages (IBC 0136)
- Alternatives for Reducing Forage Acres (IBC 07-08)
- Costs Associated with Alternative Grazing Systems (IBC 07-07)
- Cover Crops
- Annual Cool Season Forages for Late-Fall or Early-Spring Double Crop (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Herbicide Use May Restrict Grazing Options for Cover Crops (CROP 3082)
- Spring Grazing Cover Crops (ISU, Iowa Learning Farms)
- Grazing Down Corn (IBC)
- Intercropping Winter Cereal Grains and Red Clover (PM 2025)
- Making the Switch to Baleage (IBCR 0202)
- Nitrate Toxicity (IBC 50)
- Short-term and Supplemental Forages (IBC 07-09)
Corn Coproducts
Ethanol Coproducts for Beef Cattle series
- Avoiding Negative Effects of High Dietary Sulfur (IBCR 200F)
- Distillers Grains for Beef Cows (IBCR 200D)
- Factors Affecting the Economics of Coproducts in Cattle Rations (IBCR 200C)
- Handling and Storage Considerations (IBCR 200E)
- The Process and Products (IBCR 200A)
- The Changing Distillers Grains for Feedlot Cattle (IBCR 200B)
Feeding Coproducts to Beef Cattle
- Biofuels Coproducts in Animal Feeds (University of Minnesota)
- Corn Coproduct Feeding Manuals (Nebraska Corn Board and University of Nebraska–Lincoln)
- Directory of Coproducts, Prices, and Values (University of Missouri Extension)
- Distillers Grains Supplementation Study Factsheet (IBC 08-01
- Using Distillers Grains in Alternative Cow-calf Production Systems (IBC 43)
Resources in Iowa
- Distillers & Biorefinery Products Table (Distillers Grain Technology Council)
- Iowa Corn Promotion Board (website)
- Renewable Fuels Association (website)
- United States Ethanol Biorefinery Locations (Renewable Fuels Association)
Tools and Calculators
- Byproduct Feed Prices (University of Missouri website)
- Corn Coproduct Value Calculator for Finishing Cattle (excel)
- Feedlot Cattle Phosphorous and Nitrogen Excretion Calculator (excel)
- Sulfur Calculator in Total Diet (excel)
Silage and Wet Forages
- Iowa-Wisconsin Silage Conference Proceedings (2018)
- Silage for Beef-Small Grains 2022 conference videos (13) (sponsored by Iowa Beef Center, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, University of Nebraska—Lincoln and Lallemand Animal Nutrition)
- Silage for Beef Cattle 2020 webinar series (provided through partnership of Iowa Beef Center, University of Nebraska—Lincoln and Lallemand Animal Nutrition)
- The Impacts of Dry Weather and Limited Water on Silage Production (video, 1:02:07) Jourdan Bell of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Research
- Making Silage Under Adverse Conditions (video, 1:02:49) Renato Schmidt with Lallemand Animal Nutrition in Technical Services-Forage
- Tips and Tricks for Silage Pile Construction (video, 0:55:18) Becky Arnold with Lallemand Animal Nutrition
- Silage Feeding and Management for Beef Cattle in the Current Environment (video, 1:04:21) Galen Erickson with University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Silage for Beef Cattle 2020 podcast series hosted by University of Nebraska-Lincoln (provided through partnership of Iowa Beef Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Lallemand Animal Nutrition)
- The Impacts of Dry Weather and Limited Water on Silage Production (podcast) Jourdan Bell of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Research, hosted by Aaron Berger of UNL
- Making Silage Under Adverse Conditions (podcast) Renato Schmidt with Lallemand Animal Nutrition in Technical Services-Forage, hosted by Aaron Berger of UNL
- Building Silage Piles (podcast) Becky Arnold with Lallemand Animal Nutrition, hosted by Aaron Berger of UNL
- Related Producer Perspectives podcasts
- Silage Feeding and Management for Beef Cattle in the Current Environment (podcast) Galen Erickson with University of Nebraska—Lincoln
- Related Producer Prospect Podcasts
- Harvesting, Storing and Feeding Corn Silage (podcast) David Rueber with Innovative Ag Services, hosted by Aaron Berger of UNL
- Harvesting, Storing and Feeding Corn Silage (podcast) Trey Patterson with Padlock Ranch, hosted by Aaron Berger of UNL
- Ag Decision Maker Decision Tools: Crop Decisions
- Crop and Livestock Land Use Analyzer: A Tool to Compare Land Use Alternatives (Ag Decision Maker C1-15)
- Estimated Costs of Crop Production in Iowa (Ag Decision Maker A1-20)
Harvest and Storage
- Determining Moisture of Immature Corn Silage (Recovery 14)
- Down Corn Silage Harvesting and Considerations (UW-Madison and IBC)
- Ensiling Process and Additives (PM 417H)
- Making the Switch to Baleage (IBCR 202)
- Making Quality Corn Silage (Iowa Beef Center, ISU)
- Silage Zone (Pioneer website)
- Team Forage (University of Wisconsin Extension website)
- Use of Corn Silage in Feedlot Diets (video)
- First Fall Frost and Freeze (ISU)
- Selecting Forage Species (PM 1792)