Cow-Calf Operations

Beef cow and calf on pasture
click on headings for more information
2014 Cow-Calf Producer Survey (IBC 101)
2014 Iowa Beef Producer Profile: A Survey of Iowa Cow-Calf Producers Summary (IBC 101A)
Calving Management manual (online)
Cow-Calf Production in the U.S. Corn Belt (MWPS-66)
Health Considerations for Confined Cow-Calf Operations (IBCR 205)
Iowa Cow-calf Production Systems manual (IBC 131)
Survey results - production practices of confined cow-calf operations
Genetic Selection (IBC videos on the basics of EPDs)
- ABCs of EPDs part 1 (0:08:40)
- ABCs of EPDs part 2 (0:07:02)
- ABCs of EPDs part 3 (0:07:39)
- ABCs of EPDs part 4 (0:07:38)
Breeding Systems
- Across Breed EPD Computation Calculator (xls) (Kansas State University)
- EPDs: Across-breed EPDs (American Angus Association)
- EPDs: Understanding and Using Across-breed Expected Progeny Differences (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Biological Types of Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- The Genetic Principles of Crossbreeding (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- The Systems Concept of Beef Production (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Gene Marker Information
Fact Sheets
- Marker-assisted Selection for Beef Palatability Characteristics(Michigan State University)
- Marker-assisted Selection in Beef Cattle (University of California-Davis)
- Marker-assisted Selection in Beef Cattle: Current and Future Applications
(University of California-Davis)
- The Basics of Marker-assisted Selection (University of New England)
Gene Marker and Evaluation Centers
- Links to Animal Genomics Research Websites and Databases
- National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium (website)
Performance Testing
- Phenotypic Feed Efficiency - National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle (SP 0421B)
Selection Decisions
- Beef Performance Glossary (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Commercial Beef Sire Selection (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Congenital Defects in Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Selecting Replacement Heifers (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Sire Selection Index Software (IBC excel)
- Understanding and Using Sire Summaries (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Ultrasound Technology
- Cow Tip Tuesday Semen Collection (0:04:33)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Alfalfa Winter Injury (0:01:53)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Biosecurity in Your Operation (0:02:22)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Windrow Grazing in Snow (0:01:20)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Labeling Hay (0:03:40)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Developing Young Sires (0:02:46)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Using the Calving Book (0:03:11)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Managing Shrink (0:02:38)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Reconditioning Herd Sires (0:02:05)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Starting Weaned Calves on Feed (0:02:37)
- Cow Tip Tuesday When to Intervene During Calving (0:02:37)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Calving Facilities (0:02:43)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Summer Annuals (0:02:23)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Maintaining Pregnancies (0:02:32)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Bull Soundness Exam (0:01:58)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Harvesting Winter Annuals (0:02:23)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Prebreeding Chuteside Management (0:02:23)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Calf Scale Tape (0:02:19)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Spring Pasture Improvement (0:02:28)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Spring Turnout (0:02:50)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Calf Condos (0:02:04)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Konefal Calving Method (0:02:12)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Colostrum (0:02:02)
- Cow Tip Tuesday General Bull Management (0:02:27)
- Cow Tip Tuesday General Calving (0:02:08)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Unrolling Hay (0:02:18)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Cost Saving Tips (0:01:39)
- Cow Tip Tuesday 2020 Review (0:03:32)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Heifer Selection 2 (0:02:32)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Heifer Selection 1 (0:02:36)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Body Condition Scoring (0:01:45)
- Cow Tip Tuesday Grazing Corn Residue (0:02:17)
- Cow Tip Tuesday 205-Day Weaning Weight Calculator (0:01:04)
Calf Nutrition
- Colostrum Considerations in First-Calf Heifers and Beef Cows (video) (0:07:45)
- Creep Feeding Beef Calves (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Management, Health, and Nutritional Considerations for Weaning Calves (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Management of Weaned Calves (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
Coproduct Feed Management
- Distillers Grains for Beef Cows (IBCR 200D)
- Using Distillers Grains in Alternative Cow-calf Production Systems (IBC 43)
- Value and Quality-assurance of Byproduct Feeds (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Cow Nutritional Management
- Body Condition Scoring Management Tool for Cows to Monitor the Nutritional Status (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Cow Winter Feeding Cost Assessment (IBC)
- Evaluating Body Condition of Beef Cows in Winter (IBC 140)
- Factors Affecting the Cow Nutrition Program (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Feed and Forage Sampling and Analysis (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Formulating Supplements (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Limit Feeding Beef Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Limiting Feed Intake with Salt (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Management to Minimize Hay Waste (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Managing 2010-11 Cow Herd Feed Needs (IBC 44)
- Mineral and Vitamins for Beef Cows (University of Nebraska)
- Mineral Supplements for Beef Cattle (University of Missouri)
- Nitrates in Livestock Feed (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Pricing Protein and Energy Supplements (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Stretching Hay Supplies for Beef Cow Herds (IBC 45)
- Tips for Drought-shortened Pastures (IBC 49)
See additional supplemental feeds resources.
See additional forage resources.
Developing Heifer Nutritional Management
- Early Lactation Nutrition in First-Calf Beef Heifers (video)
- Management of First-Calf Heifers (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Nutrition of Developing Beef Heifers (video)
- Pre-calving/Late Gestation Nutrition of the Yearling Beef Heifer Part 1 (video)
- Pre-calving/Late Gestation Nutrition of the Yearling Beef Heifer Part 2 (video)
Drylot Feeding
- Dry Lotting and Confinement Cows Series (UNL videos)
- Why Consider Drylot Beef Cow-calf Production? (North Dakota State University Extension and The Ohio State University Extension)
Heifer Development (IBC videos and resources focused on best management practices of yearling and first-calf heifers)
Breeding Management Webinar Series (Videos)
- Nutrition’s Role in Reproduction (0:51:52)
- Using Reproductive Technology to Move Up the Breeding Season (0:51:49)
- Focusing on Bull Power (0:57:33)
- Heterosis: Capturing the Benefit (0:32:47)
Bull Reproduction Management
- Anatomy and Physiology of a Bull's Reproductive Tract (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Breed Association $Value Indexes Fact Sheet (IBC)
- Breeding Soundness Evaluations (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Bull Rental and Lease Agreement Guide (IBC0137)
- Genetic Selection: EPD Basics (IBC videos)
- The Reproductive and Nutritional Management of Beef Bulls (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Videos
- Buying Bulls Five Questions (0:02:51)
- Buying Bulls Choosing Bulls Specifically for Heifers (0:02:46)
- Buying Bulls Using Breed Index Information (0:03:12)
Cow and Heifer Replacement Management
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Cow's Reproductive Tract (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Calving Difficulty in Beef Cattle: Part 1 (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Calving Difficulty in Beef Cattle: Part 2 (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Embryonic Mortality in Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Factors Influencing the Conception Rate (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Heifer Development (IBC videos and resources focused on best management practices of yearling and first-calf heifers)
- Management Factors that Affect the Development of Passive Immunity in the Newborn Calf (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Management Factors to Improve Health in Newborn Calves (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Management of First-calf Heifers (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Synchronization and Heat Detection Aids
- Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle (Beef Reproduction Task Force)
- Estrus Synchronization Planner (decision tool and protocol information)
- Heat Detection with Beef Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Using Ultrasound Technology in Beef Cattle Reproductive Management (Beef Cattle Handbook)