BeefXDairy Production/Crossbreeding

Dairy beef calves.
Dairy-Beef Production (Pennsylvania State University Extension)
- Beef-on-dairy --The generation of crossbred beef x dairy cattle (Ireland; Journal of Dairy Science)
- Characteristics of the Beef x Dairy industry in New York State (Cornell University)
- Crossing Dairy and Beef Cattle (Feedlot magazine)
- Crossbreeding and Calf Management Practices (University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension)
- Crossbreeding beef x dairy (Pennsylvania State University; Translational Animal Science)
click on headings below for more information
- Dairy-Beef Production Systems for Sustainable Agriculture (Texas Tech University)
- Implementing Dairy Beef Production Systems for Sustainable Agriculture video (Texas Tech University, Cargill and Nestle) (0:47:55)
- 2022 Semen Sales Report Reflects Changing Global Trends (National Association of Animal Breeders)
- Beef merit of the sire mated to a dairy female affects her subsequent performance (Ireland; Journal of Dairy Science)
- Beef on Dairy (eBeef, Randie Culbertson, Iowa State University)
- BIF Guidelines Wiki (BIF)
- Breeding index to rank beef bulls for use on dairy females to maximize profit (Ireland and New Zealand; Journal of Dairy Science)
- Interpretive Summary: Beef embryos in dairy cows: feedlot performance, mechanistic responses, and carcass characteristics of straightbred Holstein calves and Angus-sired calves from Holstein, Jersey, or crossbred beef dams (American Society of Animal Science blog post, with link to full article in Journal of Animal Science)
- Interpretive Summary: Body, carcass, and steak dimensions of straightbred Holstein calves and Angus-sired calves from Holstein, Jersey, and crossbred beef dams (American Society of Animal Science blog post, with link to full article in Journal of Animal Science)
Calf Nutrition and Care
- Assessing Calf Losses in a Beef-Dairy Crossbreeding Program (The Ohio State University)
- Calf Care and Quality Assurance (Beef Checkoff)
- Feeding the Newborn Dairy Calf (Pennsylvania State University Extension)
- Milk Replacer Ingredients: What and Why? (Animix, NIH-National Library of Medicine)
- Physiological effects of starter-induced ruminal acidosis in calves before, during and after weaning (USDA-Agricultural Research Service, US Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI; University of Wisconsin; Journal of Dairy Science)
- Post weaning management of modern dairy cattle genetics for beef production: a review (Michigan State University, University of California Davis, Pennsylvania State University; Journal of Animal Science)
- Ruminal in situ disappearance and whole-tract digestion of starter feeds in calves before, during, and after weaning (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, US Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI; USDA Agricultural Research Service, US Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI; University of Wisconsin; Journal of Dairy Science)
- Strategies for Feeding Unweaned Dairy Beef Cattle to Improve Their Health (Spain; Animals)
- Videos
- 3 Minutes on Feeding Spray Dried Plasma to the milk-fed calf (0:03:04) (Animix)
- Increased spray-dried plasma inclusion rates in calf milk replacers (0:19:34) (Animix)
Nutrition: Post-weaning to Finish
- Beef from Holsteins x Angus Cross Calves-Observations (Iowa Beef Center, Iowa State University; Animal Industry Report)
- Carcass and efficiency metrics of beef cattle differ by whether the calf was born in a dairy or a beef herd (Ireland; Journal of Animal Science)
- Crossbreeding beef sires to dairy cows: cow, feedlot, and carcass performance (Texas Tech University; Translational Animal Science)
- Investigating conception rate of beef service sires bred to dairy cows and heifers (University of Georgia; USDA Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory, Beltsville, MD; Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding, Bowie, MD; Journal of Dairy Science)
- Prevalence, Severity, and Relationships of Lung Lesions, Liver Abnormalities, and Rumen Health Scores Measured at Slaughter in Beef Cattle (Kansas State University, Iowa State University, Zoetis; Journal of Animal Science)
- Some Important Blood Parameters of Dairy-Beef Crossbred Calves (Iowa State University; Animal Industry Report)
Carcass merit
- A carcass and meat perspective of crossbred beef x dairy cattle (Texas Tech University; Translational Animal Science)
- Evaluation of feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, carcass retail cut distribution, Warner-Bratzler shear force, and fatty acid composition of purebred Jersey and crossbred Jersey steers (The Ohio State University, University of Georgia; Translational Animal Science)
- Effects of Holstein and beef-dairy cross breed description on the sale price of feeder and weaned calf lots sold through video auctions (Kansas State University; Applied Animal Science)
- Holstein-Angus Feed Cattle Pricing excel file (Iowa Beef Center, Iowa State University)
This application allows for determining a relative price of Holstein feeder cattle based on current cattle markets. - Use of Beef Semen on Dairy Farms: A Cross-Sectional Study on Attitudes of Farmer Toward Breeding Strategies (Brazil, University of California Davis, University of California Cooperative Extension, Washington State University; Frontiers in Animal Science)
- A Survey of Iowa Beef X Dairy Calf Raisers and Feedlot Operators to Further Describe Challenges Related to Finishing BXD Crossbreds (IBC 148)
- Beef X Dairy (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- I-29 Moo University Dairy Beef Short Course (includes proceedings)