Cattle Health and Well-being

Farmers check on grazing cattle
click on headings for more information
Animal Well-being and Care
- Low Stress Cattle Handling: Part 1 - Dr. Ron Gill, Texas A&M (0:47:08)
- Low Stress Cattle Handling: Part 2 - Dr. Ron Gill, Texas A&M (0:50:12)
- Ron Gill, 1- Pressure and Release, Stockmanship/Stewardship 2019 (0:17:16)
- Ron Gill, 2- Acclimation, Stockmanship/Stewardship 2019 (0:21:05)
- Ron Gill, 3- Facilities, Stockmanship/Stewardship 2019 (0:21:53)
- Ron Gill, 4- Processing, Stockmanship/Stewardship 2019 (0:19:30)
- Ron Gill, 5- Transportation and Loading, Stockmanship/Stewardship 2019 (0:14:44)
- Ron Gill, 6- Questions, Stockmanship/Stewardship 2019 (0:10:43)
- Talk & Touch: Humane Halter Training for Calves - Day 1 (0:22:38)
- Talk & Touch: Humane Halter Training for Calves - Day 2 (0:05:55)
- Talk & Touch: Humane Halter Training for Calves - Day 3 (0:06:42)
Other resources
- Caring for Cow Herds During Cold Weather (IBC 143)
- Disposition - Convenience trait or economically important? (ISU Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity Program)
- Feeding CTC to Beef Cows (IBC 120)
- Iowa Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Program (Iowa Beef Industry Council)
- Low Stress Cattle Handling (IBCR 206)
- National Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Program (website)
- Winter Care of the Cow Herd: Confinement Versus Open Grazing (IBC 147)
Baby Calf Health Management
- Calf Scours: Causes and Treatment (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Control of Calf Diarrhea (Scours) in Midwest Beef Cattle Farms (PMR 1019)
- Feeding Colostrum to a Calf (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Oral Fluid Therapy Fundamentals and Technique (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Preventing Baby Calf Diseases (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Weak Calf Syndrome in Beef Cattle Herds (PMR 1018)
- Vitamin A Deficiency in Beef Calves (PMR 1014)
General Health and Preventive Medicine
- 2017 Feeding CTC to Beef Cows
- 2017 Feeding CTC to Feedlot Cattle
- Beef and Dairy Cattle Vaccination Programs (IBC 111)
- Biosecurity Basics for Cattle Operations and Good Management Practices (GMP) for Controlling Infectious Diseases (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Cattle Vaccines and Their Use (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Center for Food Security and Public Health – Bovine Diseases and Resources (website)
- Disease Resistance in Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Disinfectants and Disinfection: A Guide to Reducing Disease Buildup (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Footrot and digital dermatitis - Jan Shearer, ISU
- Guidelines for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics in Food Animals (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Hairy Heel Wart and Lameness conference 2022 resources
- Health Considerations for Confined Cow-Calf Operations (IBCR 205)
- Heat Stress in Beef Cattle (PMR 1016)
- Medical Sharps Disposal from Livestock Operations (University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension)
- Preconditioning
Iowa Gold and Green Tag Preconditioning Programs:
- View an example of a Green Tag Preconditioning Certificate
- View an example of a Gold Tag Preconditioning Certificate
- Iowa Preconditioning Calf Program Steps and Guidelines (Iowa VMA)
Neurologic Diseases
- Avoiding the Negative Effects of High Dietary Sulfur - Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) (IBCR 200F)
- Facts about Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (American Association of Bovine Practitioners)
- Grass Tetany in Beef Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Nervous Coccidiosis in Calves (IBC)
- TEME in Feeder Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Nutritional and Digestive System Diseases
- Acidosis (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- BVD-MD infection (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Calf Scours: Causes and Treatment (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Clostridial Diseases (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Feedlot Bloat: Prevention and Treatment (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Pasture Bloat: Prevention and Treatment (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Urinary Calculi in Beef Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Biological Control of Dung-Breeding Flies Affecting Pastured Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Biological Control of Flies in Cattle Feedlots (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Cattle Scabies (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Coccidiosis in Beef Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Fly Control in Ruminants (IBCR 204)
- House Fly and Stable Fly Management in and near Livestock Facilities (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Internal Parasites in Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Lice on Beef Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Non-chemical Horn Fly Traps (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Reproductive Diseases
- Diseases Associated with Post-Calving and Breeding (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Infectious Abortions in Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Injuries and Diseases Associated with Calving (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Leptospirosis of Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Trichomoniasis in Beef Cattle (PMR 1012)
- Vibriosis (campylobacteriosis) (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Respiratory Diseases
- Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema and Emphysema in Beef Cattle: Causes and Prevention (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Bovine Respiratory Disease (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Toxicology/Deficiency Diseases
- Ergot Poisoning in Cattle (PMR 1013)
- Grass Tetany in Beef Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Treatment and Prevention of Hypomagnesaemia (Grass Tetany) in Beef Cattle (PMR 1020)
- Managing Cattle Health Issues When Grazing Cover Crops (IBC 129)
- Mycotoxins (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Nitrates in Livestock Feed (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Nitrate Poisoning in Livestock (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Sweet Clover Poisoning (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- White Muscle and Other Selenium-Responsive Diseases of Livestock (Beef Cattle Handbook)
Other Diseases
- Anaplasmosis in Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Bluetongue in Cattle (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- "Cancer Eyes" - Treatment and Prevention (Beef Cattle Handbook)
- Foot Rot in Beef Cattle (PM 1728)
- Pinkeye in Beef Cattle Herds (PMR 1017)