IBC Projects and Surveys

Steers on a research trial at ISU Beef Nutrition Farm.
2014 Iowa Cow-Calf Producer Survey (IBC 101)
2014 Iowa Cow-Calf Producer summary (IBC 101A)
2014 Iowa Feedlot Operator Survey (IBC 102)
2014 Iowa Feedlot Operators Summary (IBC 102A)
Achieving White Fat in Culled Market Cows
Cattle Grazing Survey - 2007
- Demographics and Management Practices
- Stocking Rates, Fees, and Services
- Strategies and Implications
Comparing Genetic Contributions from Sires
Creating a Geographically Linked Brand for High Quality Beef (Center for Agricultural and Rural Development)
Economic Analysis of Pharmaceutical Technologies in Modern Beef Production
Grazing Management to Limit Sediment and Phosphorus Pollution of Pasture Streams
Implications of Grid Marketing for Retained Ownership (IBC 24)
Inexpensive Pumping Systems to Manage Small Feedlot Runoff (IBC 52)
Marketing Corn through Cattle:
Marketing What's Under the Hide
Practices that Alter Distribution of Cattle Grazing to Improve Water Quality
Producer Survey of Feeding Corn Coproducts in Iowa (ASL R2293)
Profile of Iowa Beef Producers: 2005
The Value of Third-Party Certification Claims at Feeder Cattle Auctions (IBC 30)