Iowa Quality Cow Cull Project

The Iowa Beef Center, in conjunction with the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity, Iowa Lakes Community College (ILCC) and ISU Extension, conducted a feeding trial in 2002-2003 to determine whether an aggressive feeding program could achieve white fat in culled market cows.
About 100 market beef cows and 12 dairy culls of varying body condition score, weight, and age were consigned by Iowa producers into three groups and fed at three feedlots in southwest and northwest Iowa. The three groups were identified as: Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity (TCSCF) group; Marckmann and Wallace (M&W); and Iowa Lakes Community College (ILCC).

Project Summaries


M&W Group

ILCC Group

Adding Value to Cull Cows

Iowa Beef Center members presented information on the economics of adding value to cull cows during the Iowa Cattlemen's Association 2002 convention.